Proud coaches Ben & Tara, bask in the moments after the announcement of the results of the head race.

Tara & the Open Girls 1st Quad - making "C" final on their first attempt - Awesome !!

Ben celebrates the 1st V111's result in the head race ("D" final). Durian gives a rather restrained royal wave.

The crews share a special moment.

Marian spots something................

The Boys show why teenage excitement and tall buildings don't go well together.

The Open Girls Quad about to pass ZRC.


Team Spirit !! - The Open Girls await the return of the boys.

The junior boys in the 1st V111 preparing to set off for the start.

The other half of the 1st V111

Ben is so excited by the result that he sings "I'm a little tea pot"....... Scott is amused