Matt gives a pep talk
Tom, John & Daniel listen avidly - (John appears ready to applaud)
Ross appears to have a lot to learn when it comes to keeping the girls entertained with witty conversation.
Mateu gets some advice from veteran rowers Alex & Mathew
Wesley lends a hand
Nicole and Natascha checking out the venue in preparation for their next regatta
Everyone in fine spirits
John leads everyone in a chorus of a Stevie Wonder classic
Wait a minute......... what's this........... but I thought................... Nooooooo !!!!!
Duncan and John contemplate a sea of hyacinth which gate-crashed the regatta
The organisers quickly set about clearing the course (much easier said than done)
Ross waits patiently (or is that michieviously)
The only good hyacinth is a dead hyacinth (!?!)
Mathew explores the adage about a bird in the hand.............
Aleks questions the merits of having that second peanut butter and syrup roll
A Kodak moment - Ray and Dominique

At the end of a long day - Renato contemplates a day of firsts

After all is said and done and the race is lost or won, for the joy of those in boats and on the banks, it is to God that we give our thanks.