Tyler, Kirsty, Alexia and Brenna

Grow - Compete - Sustain
Matt gives a pep talk
Tom, John & Daniel listen avidly - (John appears ready to applaud)
Ross appears to have a lot to learn when it comes to keeping the girls entertained with witty conversation.
Mateu gets some advice from veteran rowers Alex & Mathew
Wesley lends a hand
Nicole and Natascha checking out the venue in preparation for their next regatta
Everyone in fine spirits
John leads everyone in a chorus of a Stevie Wonder classic
Wait a minute......... what's this........... but I thought................... Nooooooo !!!!!
Duncan and John contemplate a sea of hyacinth which gate-crashed the regatta
The organisers quickly set about clearing the course (much easier said than done)
Ross waits patiently (or is that michieviously)
The only good hyacinth is a dead hyacinth (!?!)
Mathew explores the adage about a bird in the hand.............
Aleks questions the merits of having that second peanut butter and syrup roll
A Kodak moment - Ray and Dominique