Another peaceful and tranquil day at Germiston Lake........or maybe not
Surely not Katie ?
New coach Graham ?
John welcomes everyone to boot camp
Matt calls the shots

The Open Girls get things going
Dominique shows how its done
No one can question Twanda's commitment
Sachan can see the end in sight
Lura gets strapped onto an Ergo for the first time
Our Father, who art in heaven.........................
Kate - looking cool & comfortable
Matt does his version of "The Thinker" whilst Scott & MC look on in awe

Fazile, Tshiamo & Alex - catch their breath
Team talk (escape committee ?)
Kevin & friends pursuade Danielle that she really should listen to more Bob Marley
Brenna - looking like a pro
Renato shows off his skills with the blades
Twanda forgot to mention a minor matter regarding his lack of swimming experience

Thanks to everyone involved in the camp for making it such a memorable experience.