An early start for everyone - We fielded 4 quads - everyone arrived on time despite the early start and cold conditions.
The Open Girls are on their way (Kirsty shows off the latest head gear)
The Junior Girls again - 23.8Km to go
From the position of the blades you would never saythat this is the first time they have rowed together. Well done girls !!
Claire flys the flag for the Open Girls Quad
Isobella looks confident in the driver's seat of the Junior Girls quad
The birthday girls (Kate and Kiara)
Renato shows off his dream house
A boat load of Vietnamese refuges - obviously lost
A boat load of Bedfordview refugees ? (Richard, Chris Ashley and Josh)
Tyler wonders exactly what Isobella has passed back for lunch
Claire at the helm of the Open Girls quad
Wesley wishes he had brought the doughnut ring
Scott demonstrates why discarding used chewing gum is a crimal offence in many countries

Ryan relaxes after a long hard row.........yeh right !!
This is what it's all about...................
A big thank you to all the parents who helped organise this event (it really is appreciated) and congratulations to everyone who participated in the Long Row regatta.
Next year ? Who knows...................