Congratulations to everyone involved in this year's Summer rowing camp. From all accounts (and as evidenced by the pictures below) the rowers had a great time and thanks go to our three coaches, Dennis, John and Katie for all their hard work making this camp the best ever. Special thanks also go to Mrs. Blackie for looking after the rowers (small & large) on and off the water. We really do appreciate the fact that she gives up her personal time to be with the children over this period.
Dennis and his able assistants do some running repairs on a coaching boat.
Katie gets the girls stretching before the day begins - or maybe they are practising the "birdie dance" for the talent show.

Mathew does some stretching - who says guys can't stretch and smile at the same time ?

Team "4 Dwarfs" - Rumour has it that they may be small - but they're potent

Team Hakuna Matata - looking worried - hey aren't they supposed to have no worries......

The Zebra team - quietly confident

Team "I" consider their options whilst Tom gives his rendition of "The Entertainer" on his harmonica.

The Alley Cat team - raring to go
Team "H" consider their strategy - Mphumi is not impressed

Team H "(minus Scott)" having second thoughts about their strategy - Mphumi is still looking unimpressed.

Zebra team members Bongani & Mateu in thoughtfull mode.

Scott and Tom - working out how many bottled Cokes they can buy with R20.

Stuart doing his Bobby Skinstad impersonation - Tom isn't impressed
Jacinta does her impersonation of Bobby - I'll leave you to decide which is better.

Dennis and Katie try to calculate how long one bottle of Energade concentrate will last amongst 30 thirsty kids.

Ashton in pensive mood.

Everyone gets involved it seems.

The night is young - the Junior boys plan their next move.

Ryan in competitive mode

Just what is Mateu smoking ?

The boys were no match for the girls at Pictionary

Cara & Rene - serious stuff !!

John put the tea-cosy he found on the table to good use.

Dennis "poker face" Howard - demonstrates his skills in front of an enthralled crowd

End of another beautifull day on the banks of the Vaal

The junior girls contemplate what lies ahead of them this morning.

The junior boys contemplate whether to have boiled or fried eggs this morning

A veritable rose amongst the thorns

The juniors in good spirits

Dennis comes to realise that the late nights affect more than just your ergo times - check his tongue.

Muzi checking with Bongani - "Dude - they want us to row how far ?"

The Alley Cats take a breather whilst Jacinta checks how many fingers she has left.

Danielle begins to wonder whether camp was really such a good idea after all

No pain no gain (hey Dennis ?)

Jarrod and Mphumi do their famous ventriloquist number.

Scott and Durian singing that well known duet "I only have eyes for you" (maybe that's why theirs are closed).

Ashton, Alex, Bongi and Mateu show everyone how it should be done.

Team Hakanu Matata finally show that it really does mean no worries.

Dennis complete with KES shorts does his version of "My Way" whilst Katie does her version of "I got rhythm"

Colleen, Jacinta and Tyler share a laugh together

Durian (clearly outmatched by Tom) regrets his choice of shorts for the evening.

End of another glorious day

Wesley - looking very comfortable on the water.

Scott, cleverly disguising his northern roots by wearing a thermal under his trisuit

Mphumi - what's this ! - wearing St Albans colours ?

Rene in fine form

Jarrod, showing how it should be done.

Durian making in look easy

Ross perfecting on his sculling technique.

Jessica - going for home.

John, also going for home (must be teatime)

Tom looking cool calm & collected

Lauren in fine spirits.....

Dennis reflects on a job well done ........................
Special thanks to Renee Blackie for the photos.